Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Early Morning Devotion Or Early Morning Intimacy: Which Should Come First.

In a few months time I will be getting married, and to my understanding, early morning is the best time I chose to be intimate with my wife, becos of the rise in hormone (konji) that usually occurs at that time and my lady also prefers it in the morning becos it makes her lively in going through ths days activities and in her workplace. That same time is usually the time I do my morning devotion. But the problem is deciding which should come first. If intimacy with my wife should come before our morning devotion, I think I'll feel guilty & unclean going before God. On the otherhand if morning devotion should come first before intimacy, I think I'd be offending the holy spirit becos we just had a prayer session with God.
Pls married people in the house, I need your opinion on this, or better put, how do you manage or separate your family prayer (including evening prayer) and intimacy. Thank you.

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