Thursday, June 5, 2014

How I cope with kidney failure, says Chike Bryan


How I cope with kidney failure, says Chike Bryan

Last week, a lifeline from President Goodluck Jonathan came the way of Nollywood screenwriter, Chike Bryan, who has been down with kidney failure. In this interview with VICTOR AKANDE, he expressed his gratitude to the President and his colleagues in the film industry, while talking about his doleful experience in the past months.
How do you feel now that President Goodluck Jonathan has intervened in your health matter?
I feel great, my brother. I really thank God.
I understand you were given N10 million. Is this all you need for the kidney transplant and other treatments in India?
Yes. I am sure the money should be enough, unless there is an eventuality, which we don’t pray for. However, the main issue here is what they call the post-transplant treatment and drugs. That is what is really very expensive. A large chunk of that money will go into the post-transplant treatment and management of the kidney. I am just studying a book that was sent to me from India. It is called Before A Transplant. I just found out that there are lots of things one needs to observe after a transplant, including how to live one’s life, how to adjust to one’s health situations afterwards and the regulations and rudiments of taking the drugs. The new kidney can reject some of those drugs or the body can reject the kidney. But as I said earlier, we are not anticipating such negative situations.
What about getting a donor?
I require a donor and God is already taking charge of that aspect.
How far have you gone with the travelling plans?
I have started that. That was why they sent me this book from India. I downloaded it yesterday and I have been studying it since then.
So, when do you hope to travel because I believe there should be no further delay?
Yes. That will be done as soon as possible, after we finalise with the donor. The donor will start some preliminary tests here; and when we move to India, he will continue with the tests as well. I wouldn’t know how long it will take before the result of the tests comes out. As they say, so many things have to be observed: they have to make sure that a lot of things in his body are similar to the ones in my body; they have to carry out those tests here and when we get there, they will do the same. That is why we may stay in India for up to a month. The main operation itself is done within a few hours. I have started my own test. By next week, the donor will start to do the same.
It is heartwarming that you have found a donor, but at what cost?
It’s always voluntary and not at a cost.
What could be going through your mind now, considering that when Ifeanyi Dikeh needed a similar help, you were actively involved in sourcing funds for him?
Honestly, I am overwhelmed with the support given to me by the people in the film industry, the concern people have shown and the money given to me. People really supported me financially. The industry, the guilds and some individuals all gave me money. Also, people have been calling me on the phone and encouraging me. Today, for example, a lot of people have called me to allay my fears. They have assured me that I will go and return safely. I am so overwhelmed with this show of love. They have been so supportive. I have been indoors for a long time and it can be lonely sometimes. But somebody will visit me at home and then cheer me up. So, what goes through my mind is that of high hopes that I will go and come back safely.
Certainly, you owe the President a lot of gratitude…
Ah! To Mr. President (laughs)? I really don’t know…
I’m sure you will lead his campaign in 2015?
(Laughs) It’s not just about 2015; it’s about the magnanimity of his heart, the cleanliness of his heart. It shows that the man is humane and appreciative. I remember he said during his campaign that he feels the pain of the ordinary man – I am just an ordinary man in Nigeria. I am not a government official, but he has done this for me. I am so grateful to him. God used him as a vessel to do this for me. So, my prayer for him is that God will also help him in whatever his plans are for Nigeria in general.
People usually associate kidney-related problems to excessive intake of alcohol, but I know that you are not a heavy drinker…
I was telling someone recently that there are two things that cause kidney failure: one is high blood pressure, while the other is diabetes. Mine is not as a result of diabetes. I started having high blood pressure a long time ago. I was 32 years old when I first noticed it-they claimed it runs in the family. My mother died of it. So, you see, it cannot be drinking alone that causes high blood pressure. I have friends and relations who are heavy drinkers, but they don’t have this problem. I don’t agree that it is due solely to one’s drinking lifestyle, though it contributes in some instances.
Would you say you detected this early enough?
I did not even detect it myself. I just started falling ill in July last year. I started vomiting and went to hospital. The first thing they noticed was that my BP was very high, almost getting to a stroke level. So, they placed me on admission for about five days. After that, the doctor told my wife that he had noticed something and could not continue the treatment. He advised that I should be taken to the General Hospital, Isolo. He said they had the equipment to continue from where they had stopped so far. We then went to the Isolo General Hospital. It was there that they did the test and discovered it was kidney failure.
So, there was no sign at all?
It was not as if there was any sign. But I just started having nausea and was vomiting. And then, I realized it started affecting my vision. They said the kidney is responsible for pumping blood to the eyes, before distributing it to the rest of the body. And since the kidney could not pump the blood as it should, it now affected the capillaries that lead to the eyes and brain. That was what the doctors said.
I asked because it is important for people to learn, so that when they start having a blurred vision, they can take it seriously.
Yes. Blurred vision is a good sign. Also, hiccups and nausea are some symptoms.

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