Friday, June 6, 2014

Two Nigerians to Participate in Obama’s Leadership Initiative

young Nigerians have been selected to join other young Africans to be part of President Barack Obama’s Young African Leadership Initiative – #YALI, in the United States of America.

They are Oluwatoyosi Ogunseye and Olusegun Odunaiya.
Oluwatoyosi has a 10-year investigative experience as a journalist. She is the first female editor in the over 40-year history of Punch Newspaper.
Olusegun has more than six years of experience working in the renewable energy sector with a focus on solar energy systems.
The initiative announced last year June by Barack Obama, will gather 500 young African leaders to the US each year for leadership training and mentoring.
The fellowship, will invest in a new generation of young African leaders who are shaping the continent’s future, respond to the strong demand by young African leaders for practical skills that can help them take their work to the next level in the fields of public service and business, deepen partnerships and connections between the United States and Africa and build a prestigious network of young African leaders who are at the forefront of change and innovation in their respective sectors.

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