Tuesday, September 30, 2014

President Goodluck Reappoint NEMA DG For Second Term

Following his re-appointment for a second term of four years, Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, Muhammad Sani Sidi said he will sustain the progress made in the improvement of disaster management in Nigeria.
In a statement signed by NEMA press officer, Manzo Ezekiel, the Director General gave the assurance that under his leadership, the agency will continue to build synergy among the stakeholders, sustain human capacity development and facilitate the necessary tools for efficient and effective management of disasters. He further said that more attention would be given to the promotion of disaster risk reduction, awareness creation and effective coordination of resources required for dealing with emergency situations.
It will be recalled that the President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan recently approved the re-appointment of the Director General of NEMA Muhammad Sani Sidi for the second term in office. This was contained in a letter from the office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, conveying the approval of the President, having considered with satisfaction the achievements of the Director General in the past four years from September 2010 to date.
Some of the achievements recorded include the significant improvement in response time to emergency situations, development of various standard disaster management guidelines, early warning alerts, and provision of relief to disaster victims, facilitation of search and rescue equipment and disaster training among others.

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